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Health and beauty tips by Doctor Fish!
Doctor Fish spas and skin treatment facilities are becoming more and more popular in countries like Japan, China, Turkey and across Europe. Doctor fish is the name given to two species of fish: Garra rufa and Cyprinion macrostomus. These fish feed on the skin of patient with psoriasis; a common chronic, inflammatory skin disease characterized by scaly patches.
The 'intelligent' fish only feeds on the affected and dead areas of the skin, and leaves the healthy skin to thrive. Doctor Fish can survive in waters as hot as 43 degrees Celsius, but nutrients can’t and their not fed either, so when somebody dips their feet in their pool, it’s a real treat.
But be weary, sometimes cheap does not mean good, not many people understand Garra Rufa fish vs Chin-chin
Chin-chin looked rather different from Garra Rufa, chin-chin are apparently starved so when you put your foot into the water, anything is food to them and they naturally start nibbling on whatever dead and flakey skin you have. This then gives the illusion of smooth skin once you’re done with the treatment but it doesn’t have any real benefits.
Unlike Garra Rufa which is known for more than 100 years of saving many from skin problems such as psoriasis where fish exude an enzym called dithranol (anthralin) which prevents fast developments of cells from the skin.


Patrice said...

Very interesting post. Doctor Fish spas and skin treatment is something new for me. I hope I could try it someday in order to feel relax, treated from any skin diseases.

best cellulite cream said...

This is interesting! Have just heard about doctor Fish actually. Hmmm... need to learn more about this. Might as well try it in the near future.