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You can detoxify your skin without having to purchase expensive cosmetics or going to a spa for a costly one-hour treatment. There are simple recipes you can do in your own kitchen out of ordinary household ingredients that can detoxify your skin. You can make a honey cleanser scrub by mixing together one tablespoon of honey with two tablespoons of ground almonds and half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Rub gently over your face and leave on for 20 minutes before washing off with warm water. This treatment helps smooth the skin by removing dead skin cells.

A dry skin mask of oatmeal and honey can also be applied on the face as a moisturizer and cleanser. You can also use a fruit mask to provide vitamins and cleansers for your skin. Take half an apple, which is peeled and sliced, and add a tablespoon of honey, one egg yolk, one teaspoon of ascorbic acid, some vinegar, and two tablespoons of oil. Place all the ingredients in a blender and homogenize until a smooth paste is obtained. You can apply this on your face and leave it to dry for about a half hour to an hour. Then you simply rinse off with warm water.
There are also simple detox recipes for meals and drinks that you can follow. Aside from the herbs discussed earlier, there are simple ways for you to heal your body systems and aid them with their job and at the same time lose weight and have a toxin-free life.
A ginger tea with turmeric is great for the liver, and especially helpful in dissolving fats and releasing them from the body. Simply mix half a teaspoon of powdered ginger and half a teaspoon of turmeric powder in two cups of boiling water. Allow to simmer for ten minutes, and then add maple syrup and lemon juice to taste.

Green tea has been known to contain antioxidants that help in clearing out toxins and harmful radicals in the body. You can also make a simple iced green tea detox drink that can be taken any time of the day. Place six green tea bags in a pitcher and add six cups of cold water. Thinly slice two pitted peaches, or mash them if you like.
Add to the pitcher and mix well. You can sweeten the tea with maple syrup, but no sugar.
You can also opt to follow a juice fast program. This means that your diet will consist of juices made from fruits, vegetables, and other herbs. Your body systems will be flushed out of toxins, since you are introducing vitamins and minerals with no preservatives into your body. You need a good juicer and blender for this simple option. Doctors recommend leafy vegetables such as parsley, spinach, broccoli, dandelion leaves, and chard among others for juicing. Root products such as sweet potatoes, beets, and carrots are also recommended. For fruits, you should opt for citrus ones, such as grapefruit, lemons, oranges, and limes. Dark grapes and apples are great sources of antioxidants as well.
You can add fennel, basil, spearmint, peppermint, garlic, ginger, and many more to your juices. There are several resources that provide the best combinations of vegetables or fruits for the best tasting juices. Try to follow the juice fasting program for a few days, avoiding animal products such as meat and dairy. Do not use sugars and artificial sweeteners to add flavor to your drinks. You are free to drink as much water as you want, and make sure to dilute all your juices with copious amounts of water.

Some experts recommend teas as alternatives to coffee, which is a big no-no when undergoing detoxification. Instead of that daily cup of java, you can drink a cup of hot water with fresh juice from half a lemon. The vitamin C in the lemon is a great antioxidant, plus digestion is further assisted.
If you’re not into liquid diets, there are detox meals that you can make at home, too.
You can enjoy tasty dishes and detoxify yourself without feeling starved or limited.
Always remember that herbs and vegetables are helping hands for your body systems. You can make soups with boiled cabbage, carrots, celery, cucumber, or blended tomatoes. You can take carbohydrates from baked potatoes and sweet potatoes, but do not put salt or cheese on them. Vegetable salads can be flavored with balsamic vinegar or some other vinaigrette, without having to use creamy dressings and mayonnaise. For protein sources, you can opt for tofu, soy milk, or fresh fish.

It is recommended that you replace two of your regular daily meals with these detox recipes. Remember that you can gradually ease yourself into following this detox menu. Always facilitate your diet with generous amounts of water, and avoid your old habits such as smoking and alcohol.
Aside from sticking to this healthy diet and herbal remedies, your homemade detox plan will work better if you couple it with regular exercise. If you feel your body will start aching up from a sudden burst of activity, don’t worry. You can take things slowly, since progression is an essential key to an effective fitness program.
You can start by doing basic stretches in the mornings and evenings. Stretching with proper breathing improves circulation and enhances flexibility. At the same time, since stretching provides more oxygen for all body parts, you will feel relaxed after a long day and have an easier time falling asleep.
Once you’ve gotten the habit of stretching, you can start five to ten minute walks thrice a week or even daily. Start with a basic and slow pace, as if you’re strolling in the mall or in the park. As you get used to the routine, you can increase the intensity day after day. Intensity can be increased by lengthening your stride, or quickening your pace from a walk to a jog, then to a run.
Aside from intensity, it is important to observe the time it takes for you to complete your workout. Since you began at five to ten minutes per walk, you can increase the time interval to fifteen minutes, together with gradually increasing your intensity.
Remember that before and after every workout, you must warm up and cool down, respectively. A warm up does not include stretching, but it involves increasing the heart rate and breathing rate, either by running in place or by doing simple exercises. After about five minutes of warming up, and your heart rate and breathing rate have increased from the state of rest, you can commence with your walk or run.
The same is followed when cooling down. You can’t immediately stop after an intense walk or run, which is why cooling down is needed to give your systems time to resume normal rates.
When you include the exercise with your detox diet, you speed up your metabolism, so toxins are released through your sweat, urine, and feces. A good exercise routine doesn’t necessarily mean you that you only shed pounds ultra-fast. It means that you feel fewer aches, less injury, sleep better at night, and have more energy in the daytime. Your memory is more alert, plus you have better concentration when doing your daily tasks. Coupled with the healthy foods you get from your detox diet, and then you will surely be on your way to total wellness.
Remember, detoxification does not need to be expensive. With an established homemade routine, you can follow a program that suits you and your family. You can detoxify, enjoy your life, and reap the rewards of good health at the same time.