
1. Got dry skin? Here’s a quick remedy. Mash about half a cup of avocado and gently apply it on your skin. Leave on for 12-15 minutes to moisturize dry skin.

2. Prevent dryness during cold, windy weather. Avoid washing your face too much and reduce use of alcohol-based toners and astringents.

3. Lost with the blush? Smile and pinch your cheeks where they pop out. The blush goes where your skin gets rosy.

4. To give your lips a fuller, moister look, apply lip balm, then foundation, then lipstick. Just make sure that the lip balm is fully absorbed into your lips before applying foundation.

5. Clean make-up brushes with shampoo. Professional cleaners can cost you a lot of money, but shampoo has enough make-up dissolving ability to keep your brushes clean in no time, and
maintain them for a long time.

6. Regularly clean the sponge you use to apply foundation so dust and dirt don’t build up. Dirty make-up will irritate your skin, particularly if you have sensitive skin.

7. Hair products could be the culprits if you get breakouts on your forehead and hairline. Rinse your face thoroughly of excess shampoo, and keep your hair away from your face, particularly when you apply any hairstyling product to it.

8. When determining a foundation shade’s compatibility with your skin color, do not test on the back of your hand. The best place to test it (aside from actually applying it on your face, of course) is under the chin.

9. Do facial exercises to firm and tone the muscles in your face. Lift the corners of your mouth into the widest smile you have. Hold this position to the count of five and repeat five times.

10. Make your concealer stay put all day by sealing it with loose powder. The powder will absorb the oil that melts your makeup.

11. A mixture of one part powdered milk, one part lemon rind and two parts almond meal make for a great home made facial scrub. You can also add half a part of lemon juice for that extra clean.

12. Foundation can make or break a look. Choose the right shade carefully – it should be one shade lighter than your skin color to look natural.

13. Mix oatmeal and honey to form a paste and apply it on your face. The oatmeal absorbs oil and the honey soothes the skin. Rinse off the mixture after 15 minutes.

14. Use coconut milk as an inexpensive alternative to salon hot oil treatments. Apply coconut
milk onto scalp and hair with a cotton ball. Leave on overnight and shampoo in the morning.

15. If you have fine hair, try shampoos that contain wheat proteins and polymers. These
ingredients make your hair look thicker by coating the hair shaft.

16. Great makeup is in blending. Blend dark with light in your blush, eye color, even lipstick! You may use the no-edge look to make an optical illusion such as that of a rounder or longer face.

17. Stimulate your body’s natural oil glands by dry brushing. With a body brush, lightly brush your skin in circular motion. Follow this with a warm bath and your favorite moisturizer.

18. For an inexpensive and effective conditioner, mix one cup of olive oil with one egg and half a lemon to an even consistency. Apply to scalp and hair strands and rinse well with water.

19. Dark spots? Rub on lemon over the area and finish off with a dollop of lotion. Citrus juices lighten dark spots but they tend to dry the skin. Lotion will counteract the drying effect.

20. Concealers are handy when you need to cover up blemishes real quick. For covering up red blemishes, concealers that are yellow-based work best.

21. Cover your eyeliner in plastic and then dip it in hot, not boiling, water for a few seconds. The eyeliner will apply much easier.