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- Gymnema Sylvestre
The main functions: Lowering blood sugar
The usual dose: 200 - 250 milligrams per day
Hindi name of this plant means 'sugar destroyer', and the plant is said to have the ability to reduce the ability to detect sweet taste. The plant is considered as the most powerful plant to control blood sugar. Most likely, the way it works is by increasing the activity of enzymes that help the body cells to use glucose, or by stimulating production of insulin. Although there is intensive research, but have not found any serious side effects to the use of this plant.

- Pare (Momordica Charantia)
The main functions: Lowering blood sugar
The usual dose: 50 - 100 milliliters (3-6 tablespoons) of juice per day
Pare this bitter considered able to help cells use glucose more effectively and reduce the absorption of sugar in the intestine. The researchers in the Philippines that examines the consumption pare the men and women in capsules for 3 months found a decrease in blood sugar, although a little, but constant. The problems that arise are digestive problems, but it is not clear what.

- Magnesium
The main functions: Lowering blood sugar
The usual dose: 250 to 350 milligrams per day
Magnesium deficiency is not uncommon as a cause of diabetes, these symptoms even worsen the condition of blood sugar and insulin resistance. Several studies have shown that magnesium supplementation can improve insulin function and lower blood sugar. Try to consult with your doctor before taking insulin.

- Prickly Pear Cactus (cactus fruit flesh)
The main functions: Lowering blood sugar
The usual dose: if consumed as food, 150 grams of cooked cactus per day.
Ripe fruit of this cactus can lower blood sugar levels in the body. Form which can be found is in the form of fruit, or juice, or powder. The researchers found that this fruit lower blood sugar levels because of the similar components with insulin. Fruit is also high in fiber.

- Gamma-Linolenic Acid
The main functions: Reduce neuralgia
The usual dose: 270 to 540 milligrams once a day
Gamma linoleic acid, or GLA is a fatty acid found in evening primrose oil. Several studies have shown that diabetes is a person who has a low GLA levels in the blood, and studies show that these supplements can reduce and even prevent the nerve pain arising from diabetes

- Chromium (Chromium)
The main functions: Lowering blood sugar levels
The usual dose: 200 micrograms per day.
These minerals were considered to improve the performance of insulin and is also involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Some research shows that this mineral helps lower blood sugar, but only for those who are lack of chrome.

- Bilberry
The main functions: Protect the eyes and nerves
The usual dose: 80-120 mg billberry standard extract per day.
Civil blueberries have powerful antioxidants in fruits and leaves. Antosianidin called antioxidants, helping prevent damage to small blood cells that can damage the nerve and retina. Research on animals shows a decrease in blood sugar are also due to consumption of fruit

- Alpha-Lipoic Acid
The main functions: Reduce nerve pain, and lower blood sugar
The usual dose: 600-800 milligrams per day.
Abbreviated as ALA, vitamin-like substance that is neutralize the free radicals. The formation of free radicals is one factor increasing blood sugar, can create nerve damage and other problems. Jg ALA can help muscle cells to absorb blood sugar. In one German study, a group of 40 researchers check to see adults who consume ALA and placebo. At the end of the study for 4 weeks, found that ALA increases insulin sensitivity as much as 27 percent.

- Fenugreek
The main functions: Lowering blood sugar
The usual dose: 5 to 30 grams setuap eating, or 15 to 90 grams per day.
Seeds used as a spice in Indian cuisine are able to lower blood pressure, improving insulin sensitivity, and lower cholesterol, according to several studies. This effect may arise because of the high levels of fiber. Jg seeds contain amino acids that increase production of insulin. In one study of fenugreek, 60 people who consumed 25 grams of this ingredient showed a good increase of blood sugar control.

- Ginseng
The main functions: Lowering blood sugar
The usual dose: 1-3 grams per day in the form of capsules or tablets, 3-5 milliliters in the form of tinctures 3 times / day.
Known for his ability to encourage the immune system, ginseng has few positive results regarding diabetes. The researchers found that ginseng slows carbohydrate absorption, increase the ability of cells to absorb glucose, and increased release of insulin from the pancreas. Found also in Toronto in a study, that ginseng can lower blood sugar levels up to 15-20 percent.