10 ingredients that help lower blood sugar 12 ways how to do skin care at home 14 february Acai Berry acne acne tips alternative medicine anti aging antioxidants aromatherapy bali bali spa beauty health beauty lips beauty product beauty skin beauty tips beauty treatment body care beauty body lotion body mind spirit rejuvenation body treatment Cellulite Treatments china tea cleansing confidence controlling acne cosmetics deodorant depilation depilatories detox detox treatment detoxification electrolysis epilation essential oil fruit for beauty fruits Gemstone green tea hair removal hand spa Health and Beauty Tips healthy fruit herbal medication herbal tea home detox honey honey bees honey treatment how to do skin care at home java korean snail cream laser hair removal life detox lip color lips lipstick love lulur MakeItYourRing Diamond Engagement Rings manicure massage meditation moisturizer nail treatment natural beauty peace of mind pedicure perfume pulsed light relax relaxation romance selfesteem shampoo shaving simple ways to treat our skin at home simply beauty skin care skin care treatments skincare tips snail cream snail cream korea soaps spa teraphy stay young stress release therapeutic therapy toxic removal ubud spa valentine vitamins waxing well being

Aging process is a natural change, we can still look younger if we want to work hard to slow down the process.. here's some tips:

- Having enough sleep at least 8 hours a day will make our body and skin healthier because growth hormone and renew the old cell of our body is working during that time.

- Consistent in implement eating healthy and safe food everyday will make our body fit, slim and also look younger. Drink minimum eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. Fruits, vegetables, anti oxidants supplements such as vitamin c, vitamin e, beta carotine and fish instead of red meat are important food to consume, also keep your body ideal by taking a healthy diets. 

- A routine exercise will increases our bone density and muscle beside feeling energetic and confident. We can go for aerobic, walking, swimming or going to the gym for lifting exercise. 

- Managing stress through relaxation. Relaxation can be done with meditation in a quiet, clean place and fresh air that suits the concentration. You can read previously article about relaxation techniques.

- A positive mind and affirmation can bring positive life to us. Negative thought tend to bring failure and make us look older and unattractive.