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Here's some essential attitudes for confidence, selfesteem, happiness and peace of mind. Learn and apply them.
- Everything that happens to me, favourable or not, helps me to learn and to grow. It’s my attitude towards it that counts. I am grateful for every challenge that comes my way.

I respond to everything that happens with the question ‘What can I learn from this?’, especially anything that troubles me.

- I love being better – not better than others, but better than I was before. No one is better than anyone else, only different. No one is more deserving of happiness than I.

- I like myself. I’m kind and considerate towards myself. I take good care of myself. I’m proud to be me, and I love who I am. That’s how I find peace and contentment from within.

- I believe in myself. I can do anything I choose – if not now, I can learn. I think, speak and act confidently at all times.

- My self-worth does not depend on others approval or on what others say or do. I am not here to conform to other people’s expectations. I nourish myself with love, approval and self-worth.

- My self-worth does not depend on my achievements, nor do I allow it to be diminished by failure. That’s why I’m happy to take risks, feel the fear and have a go anyway.

- I am accepted, and I respect others. I accept and relate to them as they are and don’t try to change them.