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Meditation is a brief vacation from the stresses of day-to-day life to centre your mind and create a feeling of peacefulness. The results are impressive.
By meditating on a regular basis you can train your mind to relax and release stress just by turning your attention to meditation.
There are several ways to meditate: breathing meditation, walking meditation, sitting meditation, mindfulness meditation, guided
meditation, visualization, and prayer. Choose the type that has the most appeal and best fits with your lifestyle and health goals.
Breathing meditation is one of the easiest and most convenient forms of meditation. It can be done anywhere at almost any time, even if you only have several minutes. It requires no special equipment other than your lungs. You can do a breathing meditation while you are waiting in a doctor’s office, grocery store lineup or at your desk. You can use a regular reminder throughout the day to help you remember to do deep breathing. For example, you could choose to take deep breaths at every red light while you are driving. You can take deep breaths on the hour throughout the day.
Focusing on your breath on a regular basis can help oxygenate your body and achieve a nearly immediate sense of relaxation.

Here is a simple meditation exercise:
You can play peaceful background music while performing this meditation or you can have silence, whichever you prefer.
- Sit in a comfortable position where you will not be disturbed.
If you have children, it is important to teach them to respect your quiet time. Taking time to recharge and release stress will
allow you to be a better parent. Close your eyes. Keep your head upright and shoulders relaxed.
- Begin by breathing deeply and steadily. Do not force your breathing. Simply breathe as deeply as you can comfortably.
Observe your breath.
- Begin to allow your breath to expand your abdomen. Comfortably expand your abdomen with each inhalation and then
release the abdomen with every exhalation.
- Continue breathing deeply for at least five minutes, the longer the better.

And here are just a few of the lasting benefits that are achieved through the continuous and ongoing practice of meditation:
- The release from stress, tension and anxiety, which affects both our mental and
physical performance, and our ability to function fully in life.
- An increase in self-awareness both physically and mentally.
- An increase in self worth and self-satisfaction.
- Increased sense of peace, acceptance and contentment with oneself.
- Greater concentration, clarity and focus.
- Better health. More energy and an increased sense of well-being.
- A refreshed and positive outlook. Life becomes more exhilarating.
- A heightened awareness of pleasure.
- An increase in creativity in thought, actions, expression and art.
- The discovery of one’s true nature
- The release of yet untapped potential from within.
- Greater patience, tolerance and acceptance of others.


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