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Here's some tips that you should do to detox your life:
- Clear out clutter from your home, a clutter free home leads to a clutter free life.

- Forgive someone today, holding on to feelings of anger and resentment only leads to emotional blockage.

- Smile, even if you have to force that frown upside down you'll be surprised how easily that fake smile turns into real one that comes from the heart.

- Be compassionate, there's no good feel tonic like doing something kind for someone else.

- Be consciously grateful for what you have. Count your blessings.

- Control comfort eating. You don't need that extra chocolate to make you feel better. A healthy body and a healthy mind go hand in hand.

- Change old habits with new routines. Try something new and fun to bring that zest back into your life.

- Learn to put yourself first. Taking care and nurturing yourself gives you the strength you need to nurture others.

- Exercise daily. Nothing can feel better than a pumping heart full of energy. Try something fun with a friend and you'll not only end up with more energy and you'll look great too.

- Letting go, stop adding on to your worries and let go of some.


Selingkuh said...

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grateful if you allow me to know more

- a husband -